Council Security PBB Failed Conflic Korea

News Paper On-line - the Security Council, the UN failed to match the attitude of the tensions on the Korean peninsula. This situation arises when the South Korean (ROK) preparing to conduct another war exercises near the border, which has the potential to re-create the attack from North Korea (North Korea) as at the end of November.

In the trial which took place at UN Headquarters in New York, December 19, 2010 Sunday night local time, key members of the Security Council could not agree to resolve the conflict between the two Koreas.

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Page Arirang television station said the diplomats-members of the UNSC members have spent seven hours for debate, but there are no results. "It seems predictable that the differences that still exist can not be bridged," said Ambassador (Ambassador) to the United Nations, Susan Rice, as quoted by Press TV television station pages.

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Russia's UN Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, also said that talks on the Security Council there has been no result. However, he stated that members will continue negotiations to resolve differences in attitudes.

Not to equate the success of the UN Security Council attitude caused by the difference of opinion among a number of key members who have veto rights (rights that can be used to abort a draft resolution.)

China and Russia want South Korea to refrain from again held a military exercise, which starts Monday, December 20, 2010. In contrast, the U.S. objected to the request of China and Russia.

As an ally of South Korea since the 1950-1953 Korean War, the U.S. supports the war exercise, which is important as an effort to anticipate an attack from North Korea, which has received support from China.

In the trial, the United States would question the ambiguous attitude of Russia and China, which was considered not to blame for North Korea crisis, but asked South Korea to refrain from North Korea hit back on 23 November.

In contrast, the U.S. delegation, Britain, France, Japan, and South Korea supported the proposal of the British draft resolution, which it blamed the North Korean crisis and denounced as ignition artillery attacks to Yeonpyeong Island. Proposed resolution from the UK that just rejected Russia and China.

Meanwhile, in addition to asking the two Koreas mutual restraint, Russia proposed that the Secretary General of the United Nations sent a special envoy to Seoul and Pyongyang to ease the tension, so do not lead to open warfare.

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